We represent women with injuries from transobturator slings becoming symptomatic over a decade post-implantation as polypropylene foreign body responses occur.
SANTA BARBARA, CA, UNITED STATES, July 1, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- “My law firm tries many medical device cases. We have developed a number of trial teams for these cases just as we have in the past in other pharma cases such as in the IVC filter litigation. We tried ten of those cases last year. What this allows us to do is handle multiple trials at the same time—many times all across the country. It makes sense for us to do this as there are many women who have neurological injuries and in most cases their injuries are severe. They want their day in court. Transobturator slings are trash devices, and that fact has been developed during discovery," states Ben Martin, Esq.
Dr. Vigna, national pharmaceutical injury attorney, practicing physician, and Certified Life Care Planner states, “We are happy that with each month that passes we are further away from COVID related court delays. We have multiple opt-outs from the Multidistrict Litigation who have come to us after rejecting offers of settlement that didn’t approach compensation that accurately reflects the injuries they have suffered.”
Dr. Vigna continues, “Bard in 2020 paid $60 million to settle with multiple state attorney generals for deceptive marketing and removed their urogynecological mesh from the market on March 7, 2019. We represent women with injuries from transobturator slings becoming symptomatic over a decade post-implantation as polypropylene foreign body responses occur. The effect of the foreign body reaction is acute, and chronic inflammation occurs in all women. Mesh shrinkage or soft tissue contraction may be excessive which can cause nerve injuries months to years after implantation leading to ilioinguinal neuralgia, pudendal neuralgia, and obturator neuralgia.” (case number D-1-GN-20-005184)
Ben Martin, Esq. also shares, “Many of our cases are referred from other firms at various stages of litigation. These cases must be developed with experts who understand polypropylene and entrapment neuralgia. The earlier we become involved the better as we have evaluated many cases with fatal flaws which may prevent evidence from coming in that is important in proving the elements required to win a product liability case. In addition, malpractice claims against medical providers generally have very short statutes of limitations and repose and we want to evaluate all potential claims early to determine the best court in which to file the case and the most effective avenues of recovery.”
Ben Martin, Esq. further states, “In some cases we look to file cases in state courts as that may provide the best avenue for recovery. In some instances, state court discovery may provide discovery that was not accomplished in the MDL especially as to specific manufacturers. In some instances, nerve injury cases weren’t worked up and nerve injuries are, in many instances, our focus. We expect that there are internal documents that will be discovered regarding complications related to pudendal, obturator, and ilioinguinal neuralgia. By doing in depth discovery, we were able to understand what the manufacturers knew and when they knew it. We are interested in the Boston Scientific Solyx 522 study, the Altis IDE study, and all adverse event files from Bard, Boston Scientific, Coloplast, Ethicon, and Caldera. We believe there is still a treasure trove of internal documents that relate to adverse events of nerve injury and life altering pain that still have not been disclosed.”
The Vigna Law Group targets the below transobturator (TOT) slings and mini-slings that cause pudendal and obturator neuralgia:
Ethicon: TVT-O, Abbrevo
Boston Scientific: Obtryx, Solyx
Coloplast: Aris, Altis
The Vigna Law Group targets the below retropubic slings that cause ilioinguinal neuralgia, pudendal neuralgia, and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome:
Ethicon: TVT, TVT-Exact
Boston Scientific: Advantage Fit, Lynx
Coloplast: Supris
Dr. Vigna is a California and Washington DC, lawyer and, with Martin Baughman, PLLC - a national pharmaceutical injury law firm in Dallas, focuses on the neurological injuries caused by transvaginal mesh devices including pudendal neuralgia.
To learn more on the anatomical basis for TOT injury or irritation to the obturator and pudendal nerve and the treatments of obturator and pudendal neuralgia visit this link: https://vignalawgroup.com/ebooks/pelvic-mesh-pain/#page=59
Read our FREE BOOK on Vaginal Mesh Pain.
Listen to our Podcast from the Vigna Law Group.
For articles, video resources, and information visit the Pudendal Neuralgia Educational Portal or https://tvm.lifecare123.com/.
Click the following link for information regarding sling related complications: https://tvm.lifecare123.com/slingebook.html
Greg Vigna, MD, JD
Vigna Law Group
+1 800-761-9206
email us here
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