- 68.18% of all respondents believe that a higher qualification for professionals is directly related to a higher salary. - OAS-Structuralia 50% Scholarships
MADRID, ESPAñA, July 6, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- ● 75.61% of those planning to study for a Master's degree in the near future believe that it could contribute to their salary improvement by 30%.● 66.67%of all respondents in the Caribbean believe that taking a Master's degree now could get them out of unemployment within 3 to 6 months.
The prestigious online training school, Structuralia, publishes the results of the new version of the 2022 STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Annual Report, which seeks to provide a more realistic perspective for professionals in the field in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The data obtained from this survey reveal how important specialised higher education is for the development of working professionals and for future professionals in the sector. It is a key factor for professional positions, better jobs, better salaries, getting out of a situation of unemployment, among others.
Important data obtained supports these assertions, such as the fact that 52.73% believe that studying a Master's degree can help them to opt for new professional positions in other companies and change jobs; and 66.67% of those surveyed believe that studying a Master's degree now could get them out of unemployment within a period of between 3 and 6 months.
The outlook in Caribbean countries such as: Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Guyana, Dominica, Suriname, Bahamas, Saint Lucia, Grenada, St Vincent and the Grenaun; reflects a high interest in specialised training in Masters programmes and a high concern that traditional educational formats are not the most appropriate to address the demands of the labour market and technological changes in their country, as 8 out of 10 people consider that the Caribbean region does not currently have them.
Professionals often wonder which areas can offer better opportunities. According to this study, the "renewable energies, sustainability and environment" sector ranked first with 31.70%, followed by "digital transformation and smart infrastructures" with 28.81%.
Areas that undoubtedly sound promising for the future professional development of those surveyed, as 75.61% of those who plan to study a master's degree in the near future believe that studying a master's degree could contribute to their salary improvement by 30%; along with 68.18% who believe that a higher qualification of professionals is directly related to a higher salary.
New 50% scholarships for online master's degrees
These results confirm the importance of pursuing a Master's degree for the professional growth and improvement of individuals.
For this reason, the scholarship programme of the Organisation of American States (OAS) and Structuralia has been facilitating access to this highly specialised higher education for all professionals in the region for the past 12 years.
A scholarship programme for online master's degrees, which for this 2022, makes available to citizens of Member States more than 2,500 scholarships covering 50% of the total cost of the master's degree.
On the website becasoea.structuralia.com those interested can find all the necessary information on this scholarship programme, where the application requirements are very clear and simple to encourage access by anyone interested, being necessary to be a resident of a member state of the OAS.
July 8th, 2022 is the deadline to apply for one of these limited scholarships. Interested applicants can fill in their scholarship application at becasoea.structuralia.com, attaching a resume or CV and a copy of their university degree.
Special benefits for women and youths
With the aim of contributing to access to higher education in the STEM field, which is the field that will generate the most employment opportunities in the coming years, as well as reducing the wage gap for similar occupations, in 2022 women who obtain their OAS and Structuralia scholarship will receive an additional 5% of aid.
In the same way, to help in the global internationalisation of the talent of the youngest, people between 20 and 30 years of age who are awarded an OAS and Structuralia scholarship will receive, at no additional cost, the Hague Apostille of the Master's degree they have obtained, so that they can further their professional development anywhere.
Marlene Barrientos
+34 914 90 42 00
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