Rymir and Dr. Coley may be moving along with their Civil Rights Claims or least this may be a start
PHILADELPHIA, PA, PHILADELPHIA, August 26, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- About few months ago Dr. Lillie Coley an African American woman made claims she could not get her Civil Rights complaints filed nor processed in her home state of New Jersey.Calls were made to Judge Glenn Grant who oversees the Administrative Office of the Courts(AOC) in New Jersey but nothing was returned. Sources has shown through a memo(attached) obtained that NAACP a national organization it is seeking to help with the status of these Civil Rights filings.
Apparently, Dr. Coley a life long member of this organization for Colored People is also working as a Political Action Co-Chair. Philadelphia is a sister state to New Jersey and these states work together from a national agenda.
Rymir and Dr. Coley have been a part of ten(10) year long case involving both Philadelphia and New Jersey courts. Its a high profile case involving Shawn Carter(Jay Z) and Wanda Satterthwaite, Rymir's mother.
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Shar Handy
FCLU Philadelphia
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