COLUMBUS, OHIO, UNITED STATES, July 9, 2022 / -- The Ohio based All Disabilities Festival is celebrating the achievements of people who have overcome challenges to create a better world. At this year’s All Disabilities Festival, the founders are intentional by creating a kid’s space on behalf of future astronomer Joshua Carter. This area will feature a bounce house for the children to enjoy. Joshua is a 12-year-old whiz kid who has his own YouTube kid-friendly channel, which contains videos that all have to do with the exploration of space and astronomy.
The kid space will also honor immunologist and science educator Dr. Frederic Bertley. He is currently the president and CEO of the Center of Science and Industry. Dr. Bertley kept science alive during the pandemic by giving Joshua 2 science kits. Also honored will be Stephen Hawking, the world-renowned English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, for his great work. The third honoree is Stephen Carter, Joshua’s older brother, who even though is autistic, taught his little brother how to read and do math when he was only 2 years old.
The 8th annual All-Disabilities Festival is to be celebrated on July 17, 2022. This monumental event is the brainchild of well-known entrepreneur Nicole Carter, who is the founder and CEO of Unlimited Possibilities For All Disabilities, LLC (UPFAD). The All-Disabilities Festival is something that people anticipate each year and is to be held at Genoa Park on W. Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43215, from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
UPFAD is a dynamic, inspirational company and social enterprise that encourages entrepreneurialism for seniors, veterans, adults, and children with disabilities. UPFAD offers an arena for them to showcase their talents by creating live, drive-in, drive-thru, and virtual events. In addition, they offer informational resources and vendor opportunities. Admission is free at this lively, fun-filled jubilee, featuring a stage for participants to sing, DJ music, clean R&B musical artists, vendors, and much, much more.
For more information, please contact Nicole Carter at email: or phone: 614-407-927 or website:
Nicole Carter
All-Disabilities Festival
+1 614-407-9279