New Book, “Belonging and Healing: Creating awesomeness for yourself and others

Belonging and Healing Book Cover

Belonging and Healing Book Cover

New Book, “Belonging and Healing: Creating awesomeness for yourself and others” Reveals Rare Insight into Workspace Dynamics and How to Flip the Script

Belonging Belongs to Everyone. Healing Sustains it!”
— Dr. Dave Cornelius
TUCSON, ARIZONA, UNITED STATES, July 19, 2022 / -- Belonging Belongs to Everyone. Healing Sustains it!

New Book, “Belonging and Healing: Creating awesomeness for yourself and others” Reveals Rare Insight into Workspace Dynamics and How to Flip the Script on the Struggles Inherent to them

With his latest book, Belonging and Healing, Dr. Dave A. Cornelius embarks on a journey of discovery on his reader’s behalf, delivering a detailed account of what the Ubuntu principles are and how they can better the individual and the group. A sprawling investigation and narrative brimming with real-life examples, first-person accounts, and historical case studies - including those of Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu — each carefully drafted, told, and curated.

Belonging and Healing powerfully shows age-old wisdom under the light of a new contemporary setting. Dr. Cornelius propels us through a compelling, through-provoking tale that explores how the Ubuntu principles can radically improve and shift the workspace paradigm — safeguarding and securing the psychological and physical well-being of colleagues and staff members. How such principles can boost engagement and performance and create invigorating spaces for people of unique backgrounds.

“By coupling the sense of belonging with a sincere focus on the diverse level of healing that may be required to obtain this state of being, Dr. Dave has written a book that not only informs, but also has the potential to significantly improve the overall performance of individuals and organizations.”

“Dr. Dave” is a business, executive, and organizational coach that has been in the forefront of some of the biggest Transformation initiatives in most industries — he has shared his vision through four (4) previous books and continues to inform and delight his audience with KnolShare with Dr. Dave, a thriving podcast and blog. His newest book, Belonging and Healing: Creating awesomeness for yourself and others, is now available in eBook and print at Amazon.

Dave Cornelius
+1 (480) 877-0010
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