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Celebrating National Hugging Day in Los Angeles, California
Cesare Catania - Most Huggable Person of 2023
Official announcement of the Most Huggable Person of 2023! National Hugging Day™ encourages humanity to embrace frequently for improved overall health.
National Hugging Day is an exciting opportunity to encourage one another to hug more often as the benefits are amazing!”
— Rev. Kevin Zaborney, MDiv, QIDP
CARO, MICHIGAN, USA, January 16, 2023 / -- Occasionally shortened to Hug Day, National Hug Day, International/Global or World Hug Day, this popular experience was first widely celebrated in 1986 after being published in “Chase’s Calendar of Annual Events.” This exciting event has continued to grow internationally (USA, Canada, Brazil, Australia, UK and Ireland, Germany, Georgia, Sweden, Spain, Italy, France, Russia, South Africa, as examples). "National Hugging Day™ continues to expand across our global communities as people encourage one another to hug more often. Support is very much needed to continue this worldwide expansion.
Created by Kevin Zaborney from Michigan USA, National Hugging Day™ was primarily created to encourage family, friends and others to consensually hug more often. This observance also seeks to bring individuals and communities closer together to share acts of kindness and peace through hugging. Reasonable care should be taken with those who are either uncomfortable with public affection, have reasonable concerns about contracting an illness (like Covid or the Flu), or their reaction to a hug would be unknown. In those situations, it is advised to "ask first before hugging and exchange consent." Wearing a mask for safety may also be appropriate.
In recognition of those who are making a difference to promote “The Embrace” through hugging, “THE MOST HUGGABLE PERSON OF 2023” is…
CESARE CATANIA - contemporary artist, painter, sculptor of Milan, Italy. He has been quoted to be the "The Modern Leonardo Da Vinci" by Luxury Life International Magazine. He has created “The Embrace Project” and the exhibit will be opened at the Salotto di Milano Gallery the week of National Hugging Day. Cesare Catania's contemporary art exhibition shows, among others, four works of art related to the concept of “embrace,” two of which are unpublished (C and D Version - 2022). It all started in 2015 with a sketch (“The Embrace” A version) which then developed the following year with the creation of the tapestry oil on canvas (B Version - 2016), and with these two new unpublished versions in silicone and acrylic made at the end of 2022.
'The Embrace’ of Cesare Catania is a typical example of how contemporary art can become a tool to convey a message of brotherhood and peace like the one that World Hug Day wants to express. The art of Cesare Catania in this case shifts the attention towards the social message that the work itself transmits. Cesare Catania's slogan, ‘Let's go back to hugging each other.’ reinforces the message of this International Hug Day. Not only do we have to hug each other, but we have to do it especially now that the pandemic and wars have accustomed us to hatred.”
[Italian: a mostra di arte contemporanea di Cesare Catania espone tra le altre 4 opere d’arte legate all’abbraccio, 2 delle quali inedite. Tutto parte nel 2015 con un bozzetto (“L’Abbraccio” A version) che verrà poi sviluppato l’anno successivo con la realizzazione dell’arazzo Olio su tela (B Version) e con queste 2 nuove versioni inedite in silicone e acrilico realizzate alla fine del 2022.L’Abbraccio di Cesare Catania è un tipico esempio di come l’arte contemporanea possa diventare lostrumento per veicolare un messaggio di fratellanza e di pace come quello che vuole esprimere la giornata mondiale dell’abbraccio. L’arte di Cesare Catania in questo caso sposta l’attenzione verso il messaggio sociale che l’opera stessa trasmette. Lo slogan di Cesare Catania “torniamo ad abbracciarci” rafforza il messaggio della giornata internazionale dell’abbraccio. Non solo dobbiamo abbracciarci, ma dobbiamo farlo specialmente adesso che la pandemia e le guerre ci hanno abituati all’odio.]
• Hugging releases Oxytocin, often called "the bonding or love hormone"
• Hugging improves one’s physical, emotional and spiritual health
• Hugging frequently produced less severe common cold symptoms
• Hugging promotes attachment in relationships
• Hugging may reduce anxiety, depression, and attentional disorders
• Hugging reduces stress by reducing the stress hormones cortisol and norepinephrine
• Hugging lowers blood pressure and heart rate
• Hugging may diminish inflammation following acute stroke and cardiac arrest
• Hugging may improve pain tolerance
Kevin Zaborney
National Hugging Day LLC
+1 989-798-4545
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