Infiniti-I uses 20 years of online recruitment and training experience to develop a recruitment program designed to help recruiters weather the labor shortage.
TEXARKANA, TX, UNITED STATES, July 14, 2022 / -- According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the current labor shortage will continue at least through the next three years. A poll conducted by Infinit-I Workforce Solutions showed the number one concern for companies was finding and keeping good employees.
Infinit-I has taken more than 20 years of expertise in online recruitment and training to develop a comprehensive recruitment training program in response to this need that arises from the ongoing labor shortage.
The Recruitment is Sales program includes a 2-day in-person recruitment workshop, 12 monthly webinars, and a 52-week video training course.
Recruiters can join their peers at a 2-day workshop in Irving, TX to learn how to develop a company message, lead list, and recruitment presentations. This workshop includes breakout sessions to help attendees develop individualized recruitment plans.
The Recruitment is Sales workshop is followed by 12 monthly webinars. The monthly webinars will break down each step of the recruitment process into actionable steps.
The workshop and webinars are reinforced with a 52-week training course that will reinforce the steps learned. The training course includes assignments to keep attendees motivated and help to set goals.
With this comprehensive program, attendees learn how to plan and structure the recruitment process to optimize for success. This labor shortage will only get worse as baby boomers retire and job roles continue to shift. It is imperative that companies take steps to improve recruiting processes and retention strategies to attract quality employees.
The Recruitment is Sales program was developed to give companies the tools and strategies they need to take these steps.
The first of the Recruitment is Sales workshops will kick off August 3-4, 2022.
Lydia Wommack
Vertical Alliance Group
+1 903-729-5372
email us here