Dr. Clyde Rivers Wins a National Title in Sri Lanka for His Global Impact

Keerthi Shri Award

HRH Sir Clyde Rivers

Global Peace Conference

CHARLOTTE, NC, UNITED STATES, July 7, 2022 / -- This national award was awarded to Sir Clyde Rivers, a newly enthroned King with the Royal name of Nana Okogyeman Kobina Amissah I, Development King at Large, Ghana, West Africa.

At the conference Sir Dr. Clyde Rivers, President of I Change Nations USA, was honored with the title of honor “Keerthi Shri.” This title is one of the highest honors of Sri Lanka as civil honor for his outstanding services in spreading peace and harmony worldwide and for his phenomenal leadership by the Council of Justices of the Peace of Sri Lanka and its Director Dr. AM Majeed in the presence of Global Peace Ambassador Dr. Alwin Roland Timothy joint Director-General of IPF General, Dr. Anthony Fernandes and National Security for India for International Human Rights Peace Commission Leo Christy and other Dignitaries at the Global Peace Conference.

Sir Clyde Rivers has created Faith-Based Civility Day. This is the next major work to establish peace around the world. Sir Clyde Rivers states, "We are grateful to the Justice of the Peace of Sri Lanka for acknowledging my work with religious institutes. Faith-Based Civility Day will be the catalyst of the religious community now having a voice in the public square as we look at the public square tribulations that are taking place in the world today. We are looking at Faith-Based Civility Day to be a part of the solution to the world's problems."

Global Peace Ambassador Dr. Alwin Roland Timothy, the ICN and IHRPC represented was honored with the title of honor “Deshmanya,” the Highest honor of Sri Lanka as Civil Honor by the Council of Justice of the Peace of Sri Lanka Director Dr. AM Majeed in the presence of joint Director-General of IPF General Dr. Anthony Fernandes and National Security IHRPC Leo Christy and other Dignitaries at the Global Peace Conference.

HRH Dr. Sir Clyde Rivers states "Amb. Roland has been a great leader for I Change Nations. We are proud of this great accomplishment for him."

Dr. Christine Kozachuk
Kuotukwa Royal International Media of King Development
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