Noted Inland Empire home repair and restoration company, Five Star Restoration, is changing how homeowners think about mold and mold removal.
People can't avoid mold. It's everywhere, and we mean everywhere. And it has always been. It's just a matter of how severe mold growth is”
MURRIETA, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, July 5, 2022 / -- A recent piece posted on its site concerning painting over mold and other mold myths, the restoration company that serves Northern San Diego and the Inland Empire, offers illuminating information regarding mold remediation and how the public perceives mold problems in the home. — Nick Smuts
“Mold is toxic, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter what color the mold is: black, pink, or green. Mold poses a serious health hazard to a homeowner and their families.”
Indeed, according to the Center For Disease Control (CDC), it doesn't matter which type of mold resides in a home; homeowners must call on professionals to remove a growth. While many are familiar with toxic black mold, other types pose dangerous risks to one’s health.
The Problem With Painting Over Mold
A common question in online spaces posed by concerned homeowners, ‘can I paint over mold’ has a nuanced answer.
While homeowners can technically paint over an unsightly mold growth, it’s essentially putting a band-aid over a bigger problem. A problem that will only grow in intensity the longer it goes ignored.
“Firstly, yes, one can technically paint over mold…[but] painting over toxic mold doesn't kill it. Will it eliminate unsightly mold growth on the surface one wants to paint? Sure, but the mold will remain. And eventually, homeowners need to call in professionals for mold remediation. In short, save that new coat of paint when one removes mold in a home.”
Likewise, certain paints and primers advertise their ability to kill mold. However, according to Five Star Restoration, these claims are a bit complicated.
“...these paints only show effectiveness if mold remediation professionals have already treated the surface. The paint aims to prevent further mold growth over a problem area. These primers and paints act as preventative measures rather than proactive solutions to get rid of mold easily.”
While these DIY methods can temporarily put a mold growth problem on hold, they only allow potentially toxic mold growth to become more severe. Then homeowners find themselves in a dangerous predicament.
Mold is more than a mere blemish on a wall in a home; it's a health hazard. The solution isn't to cover it with a coat of paint. What homeowners need is mold removal professionals at Five Star. We can teach homeowners how to prevent rampant mold growth and clean surfaces.”
In short, Five Star Restoration emphasizes the crucial responsibility a homeowner has to prevent and stanch mold growth for themselves and their families.
Examining And Debunking Mold Myths
Answering the question of painting over mold was merely the opening that Five Star Restoration needed to start discussing common mold myths floating around. The home repair and restoration company quickly debunks these common and harmful mold myths.
For example, the old myth that homeowners can avoid mold altogether. Mold spores are everywhere. All a mold spore needs are water damage to gravitate toward to begin growing into a problem.
“People can't avoid mold. It's everywhere, and we mean everywhere. And it has always been. It's just a matter of how severe mold growth is”
Offering expert advice from the CDC, Five Star Restoration recommends using a dehumidifier and keeping humidity levels in a home as low as possible. While this doesn’t eliminate mold growth, it delays it.
Avoiding Bleach
As a household cleaner, there’s likely no competitor to the power of bleach. However, as Five Star Restoration points out, using bleach with mold is counterintuitive and deadly.
“Never use bleach to remove mold. Firstly, bleach has water, which can turn a mold-killing effort on its head. Second, bleach can damage wood in a home. Most striking of all is the potential for creating deadly chemicals.
“Mixing bleach with cleaning products with ammonia, for example, creates chloramine gas. Chloramine gas is deadly to people and animals alike.”
Not to mention, bleach contains water. Mold growths thrive off of the water. So along with feeding the mold, it creates lethal situations that homeowners may be unaware of.
In short, Five Star Restoration highly recommends calling professionals and not creating household solutions containing bleach.
“While the first inclination may be to treat mold growth with bleach, trust us, it's just not worth it. That's why, as much as we love the spirit of the DIY approach, we cannot condone any DIY mold removal efforts.”
Calling On Five Star Restoration
The experts at Five Star Restoration, local experts in mold remediation, ensure that its proven process of mold removal, leaving no stone unturned, offers homeowners a solution to mold problems.
Starting with a full diagnostic, the Five Star Restoration team examines the property for mold, identifies the mold species, and creates a comprehensive method for removing mold in a home.
Along with mold remediation, Five Star Restoration offers quality home repair and reconstruction services for nearly any homeowner's need.
More About Five Star Restoration
Five Star Restoration serves the Inland Empire and Northern San Diego’s home repair and restoration needs. Whether repairing water damage or preparing for a natural storm, the professionals at Five Star Restoration have homeowners covered.
For more information, visit Five Star Restoration.
Homeowners can give them a call at 951-368-2227
Nick Smuts
5 Star Restoration
+1 951-368-2227
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