National Science Foundation Recognizes Wild Horse Technology With Grant to N.M.?s Wildlife Protection Management

Photo wild horses on the ranch

Photo WPM equipment adjustments

Wildlife Protection Management offers an additional private sector option to the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program

Potential to improve through a more effective, safe vaccination program and by eliminating the stress and expense of helicopters and roundups.”
— Ralph Zimmerman, DVM, New Mexico State Livestock Board

ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, UNITED STATES, July 12, 2021 / -- WPM is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Their wild horse feeding hub system offers the opportunity to bring science and technology together for the benefit of wild horse and burro stewardship while reducing the costs and numbers of the controversial and costly taxpayer funded helicopter roundups. The on-range management wildlife hubs are designed to monitor and oversee wild horse populations without the use of gathers and holding pens.

On June 14th, New Mexico State University issued a press release sharing information with the public that Wildlife Protection Management has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to further advance their wild horse work.

NMSU states ?that?s an opportunity for Wildlife Protection Management, Inc., or WPM, to be a leader in helping the government with humane ways to control population growth and keep the horses, and other wildlife, healthy.?

This patented technology based system offers the following:

. The most humane high-tech multi-species option available,

. Potential savings for the wild horse and burro program by presenting a cost effective option that meets government standards,

. A remote vaccine delivery and temperature controlled vaccine storage system that works in triple digit ?f or freezing temps,

. A system that loads and injects multiple vaccines or a combination of vaccines for disease and contraceptives,

. A system that allows reading of temperatures of individual horses to gauge vaccines or detect emerging diseases with fever,

. The system is close as possible to a hand injection. The average distance for a vaccination is 7 inches with the velocity of a squirt gun, the horses have a minimum reaction and in most cases return to eating at the hub immediately.

. A system completely powered with solar energy and remote communications via satellite,

. Includes a full body camera to check the condition of horses,

. The radio frequency identification, RFID, can pinpoint exact locations and track movements for herd migration data.

Throughout the development process the WPM Founder, Roch Hart, has sought to move forward with science. WPM?s work has support from the following:

. New Mexico State University,

. The University of New Mexico

. NM Small Business Assistance Program

. NMSU Ag Sprint Program for innovation in agriculture,

. Sandia National Laboratories (through NMSU for facial recognition),

. Ralph Zimmerman, DVM, New Mexico State Livestock Board who provides the following testimonial ?WPM?s Remote Wildlife Management System has the potential to dramatically improve population management of wild and feral horses through a more effective, safe vaccination program and by eliminating the stress and expense of helicopters and roundups.?

. In April, WPM was selected from a global pool of applicants from all of Europe, India and the United States, as one of seven startup companies, chosen to have their product presented in the 2021 Global Challenge for Tech Solution for Biological Challenges. WPM was presented by the Anderson School of Management UNM in the student team global scaling competition.

. On site visit in May from PBS to meet with WPM and view their behind the scenes work, and

. Recipient of a NSF, National Science Foundation, grant to further their wild horse technology work. (Sandia National Laboratories with NMSU for facial recognition.)

With individuals and organizations across the country calling on Congress and the Bureau of Land Management to address the need for changes, it?s time to bring 21st century humane science to the program. The technology that allows virtual conferences such as the recent National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board public conference to take place can also be utilized for remote operations to humanely care for and manage our wild horse and burro populations. WPM hopes that their work will be considered for use in the private sector portion of the BLM wild horse and burro program.

Roch Hart
Wildlife Protection Management
+1 505-252-0301
email us here