300Magazine is pleased to introduce Anastasiia Usenko, a talented Ukrainian artist who creates large-scale emotional paintings inspired by ordinary people.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK, US, July 8, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- The international online art magazine 300Magazine is pleased to introduce Anastasiia Usenko, a talented Ukrainian artist who creates large-scale emotional paintings inspired by ordinary people and their everyday lives. Her art is mainly focused on women and their eternal beauty that exists outside of time and does not depend on social status and ever-changing trends. Anastasiia Usenko is an emerging artist, but her amazing works have already been featured at a range of group and solo exhibitions and are in many private collections worldwide.
Anastasiia Usenko has recently had a solo show at the Kyiv-based Art Gallery ?Manufactura? that specializes in museum-quality contemporary art by both Ukrainian and international artists. Titled ?Big Girls,? the art exhibition featured Usenko?s large-scale paintings of women, which represent the embodiment of the artist?s technical prowess and unique creative method. These paintings reflect a state of constant excitement, which can be felt through the play of color, shape, and scale. Massive, almost monumental female figures, naked bodies, and laconic, monochrome compositions with abstract elements in the background have made ?Big Girls? a big success.
?Big Girls? by Anastasiia Usenko are emotional and expressive, but they are also outwardly imperturbable and static. Often, they are depicted with their backs to the viewer as if hiding in their own microcosm. It is interesting that women in Usenko?s paintings are almost always naked. The artist says, ?In my paintings, women are depicted without clothes, and thanks to this, they are timeless. Clothing is always a sign of some era, a sign of belonging to some kind of social class. In my works, a naked body is a symbol of eternal beauty existing outside of time and conventions.? Her ?Big Girls? are inspired by daily normality. They are ordinary people, and they are anonymous, making them understandable to every viewer through their personal memories and associations.
Anastasiia Usenko was born on January 4, 1994. She studied Painting at the State Art School named after T.G. Shevchenko and Graphic Design at the Kyiv National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. The artist exhibits her works at national and international art exhibitions and takes part in various art projects in Ukraine and abroad. Anastasiia Usenko has also created a series of workshops on the technique of graphic printing (engraving) for children. Her works are in the private collections in Ukraine, Austria, Sweden, Canada, and the United States.
Ilya Kushnirskiy
+1 917-658-5075
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