TimeClick Announces Blog on How to Prevent Employees from Clocking In Early

Payroll is one of the largest costs most small businesses have. Employees clocking in too early can attribute to this.

LOGAN, UTAH, UNITED STATES, April 13, 2021 / -- When it comes to managing payroll costs, employee attendance is a common issue.

When employees hit overtime, payroll costs spike dramatically. When employees show up late or miss a shift, it pushes schedules back, may look unprofessional to clients, and can delay completion of jobs. But interestingly, employees clocking in too early just as popular an issue as employees showing up late.

"You would think employees not showing up on time is the most common issue" mentioned Grant, GM of TimeClick, a software company that helps businesses track employee time. "While it's common, managers bring up the issue of employees clocking in too early more often."

Clocking in early is not bad in and of itself. It's how that time is used that dictates whether your investment in the employee's time (what you're paying them) is worth it.

For some employees and jobs, showing up early to get ready for the day is necessary. Some people need to open your business doors.

But for many businesses, employees may need to show up only five or ten minutes early to get ready. And not even all employees, but just some.

The costs add up quickly. With just three employees being overpaid by fifteen minutes each day, you'll likely raise your payroll costs by $3,000 to $4,000 per year.

TimeClick software has a feature to help prevent early clock ins. All a manager has to do is setup an employee's basic schedule and check the "prevent early clock ins" box.

Having a regular schedule with clear expectations as to when people can and can't clock in will save costs and create more clarity. Only allow necessary employees to clock in early, no more and no less.

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