New standard governing enclosures for edge computing has been formally approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
We believe this standard will help network providers and service providers make better procurement decisions, draft service quality standards and ultimately deliver better service.”
NEW YORK, NY, USA, June 29, 2021 / -- The Open-IX Association (?Open-IX?), a 501(c)(6) non-profit industry association and Accredited Standards Developer (ASD) of American National Standards announces the publication of its new Edge Standard (OIX-3) as an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard. The OIX Edge Data Center Standard provides a common framework for classifying edge data center characteristics, making it easier for vendors to communicate and differentiate their products? capabilities while also helping buyers express their edge data center needs in a standardized format. Open-IX will work with ANSI to promote OIX-3 as a volunteer consensus standard to be relied upon by industry, government agencies and consumers across the United States and around the world. Open-IX has already developed standards for traditional data centers and internet exchanges and now adds standards on edge compute enclosures across Europe, Asia and North America.— Venky Swaminathan
With the growing number of edge data center deployments, manufacturers, service providers and customers need standardized reference criteria for making their purchasing and deployment decisions. Open-IX developed the OIX Edge Data Center standard through several years of research and collaboration among experts representing various internet and communications industry constituencies. The resulting standards are intended to allow for a more efficient procurement of edge internet infrastructure.
?We wanted the OIX-3 standard to benefit as many stakeholders as possible and reflect how edge data centers are actually being built and deployed,? commented committee member Frank Basso VP Technical Operations at Vapor IO ?This led us to create more sub-categories to cover the various form factors, making the standard useful across many use case scenarios.?
Committee co-chair Venky Swaminathan, CTO of Trilogy networks added, ?We believe this standard will help network providers and service providers make better procurement decisions, draft service quality standards and ultimately deliver better service.?
The Edge Standard sets forth the minimum level of resiliency and redundancy with respect to structure, power, environment, safety, security and network. The standard is divided into 5 sub-categories (XS, S, M, L, XL) relating to rack capacity. The standard gives the user flexibility to apply all or some of the criteria as applicable to their needs.
Details relating to OIX-3 technical requirements for Edge Locations can be found at:
ANSI coordinates, facilitates and promotes the development of voluntary consensus standards that are relied upon by industry, government agencies and consumers across the United States and around the world.
About Open-IX
The Open-IX Association (OIX) ( is an internet community effort to improve the landscape of internet peering and interconnection. OIX encourages the development of neutral and distributed internet exchanges, while promoting uniform standards of performance for interconnections backed by the internet community. In 2018, Open-IX became an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Association, joining nearly 250 ANSI-Accredited Standards Developers engaged in the creation and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards. The Association aims to promote common and uniform specifications for data transfer and physical connectivity, and improve overall internet performance by developing criteria and methods of measurement to reduce the complexity that restricts interconnection in fragmented markets.