The Facets of Life

Life: Four Quarters Plus Overtime

Life: Four Quarters Plus Overtime

Floyd Griffin, Jr.

Floyd Griffin, Jr.

A man of public service breaks down life and supersedes what is taught by psychology and sociology

COOKSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, USA, April 5, 2021 / -- Floyd Griffin, Jr. has worn many hats throughout his career?a cadet, Vietnam Helicopter Pilot, Army Colonel, football coach, professor, businessman, state senator, mayor, and author. He has been through numerous changes and challenges, but he remains a man of public services, rooted in his deep desire to lead a life centered on Christ and fulfilling His vision for the future. As a part of fulfilling his personal mission, Griffin writes and releases Life: Four Quarters Plus Overtime to open the pathway in each of us, leading to psychological and spiritual growth.

Life: Four Quarters Plus Overtime is a book created with the African-American community in mind. According to Steven Rodriguez, a reviewer from Goodreads, Life, "Will first teach African American men and women life skills. Skills that will sharpen their minds and will give them the insight and life management plans to make it into the world where they are continuously being oppressed and judged."

Griffin does so by presenting the typical human lifespan in sports terms, as made up of four quarters plus overtime. Each life segment is examined and made to correspond to different developmental tasks and challenges. This argument is somewhat similar to psychological theories such as Erick Erickson's stages of psychosocial development. But what sets it apart is the constant incorporation of apt wisdom from sources including the Bible, history, and African proverbs, which makes the book intimate, uplifting, and more than just a thesis.

Additionally, Clarion Reviews says that Life is a well-argued psychological and sociological text. It adds, "The book paints a complicated picture of life as a black person in America. The breadth of material it draws upon, and its unwillingness to settle for easy answers, make it compelling. Life?s idealism about growing and aging is meaningfully tempered as it considers the realities of racism."

Although Life was initially meant to alleviate and heal remorse, regret, and anger the African-American community has been through, because of how Griffin uses words to address the general audience, the book has become a life coach and companion to everyone who needs one.

To know more about the author and his books, visit his site at

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