Effect Hope declares 2020 the year of Determined Hope

Cover of Report. Image: Small boy carrying a large bowl on his head. Bottom left corner, the Effect Hope logo. Top Left corner, text:

Effect Hope shares report on 2020: Determined Hope.

Photo: older man with a cart filled with clay pots.

Despite the pandemic, Ansar, a man affected by leprosy, launched a small business selling pots with the support of Effect Hope and partners in Bangladesh. Ansar's business will provide enough for he and his family. They will no longer be among the ultra-poor.

Photo: In a cleared area surrounded by trees, two administrative tables are set up. Project participants in Bangladesh line up to receive assistance during COVID-19 pandemic.

Even during COVID-19, Effect Hope was able to serve many people, using creative solutions.

Canadian Christian global health organization shares report on 2020

Throughout the media, the common narrative of 2020 was one of fear and despair. I want to challenge that. I saw something very different. It was the year of Determined Hope.”
— Kim Evans, CEO of Effect Hope
MARKHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA, June 21, 2021 / -- After a year unlike any other, Canadian Christian global health organization Effect Hope is taking stock of 2020 with the release of their annual report, ?Determined Hope.? This report shares the many triumphs in the hard-fought battle to support some of the world?s poorest people during the pandemic. People affected by neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), like leprosy, face extraordinary challenges during this time of global crisis .

?Throughout the media, the common narrative of 2020 was one of fear and despair. I want to challenge that. I saw something very different. I saw the fierce commitment of our partners in parts of South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa and our supporters in Canada. Together, we ensured that during this time of global crisis the most vulnerable were not left behind. It was the year of Determined Hope,? said Kim Evans, explaining how the theme for Effect Hope?s Annual Report was decided.

Effect Hope ? The Leprosy Mission Canada, works in partnership to bring hope and restoration to people affected to some of the 1.7 billion people affected by NTDs globally. While COVID-19 lockdowns and stretched health systems in the countries they work created some barriers, the organization was able to celebrate many successes.

?We had so many big wins this year,? said Anjay Nirula, Director of Marketing, ?We were recognized as a Top 10 Impact Charity by Charity Intelligence and across all our programs, almost half a million people were screened for leprosy, despite lockdowns,? he continued. ?But for me, what means the most are the stories of people like Ansar, a participant in Bangladesh who was able to launch a new business that will lift his family out of ultra-poverty,? Nirula added.

Canadian donors responded with an outpour of support to provide personal protective equipment and COVID-19 testing machines in India last spring. This special initiative set the stage for the organization to galvanize Canadians to support vaccinations for people with neglected tropical diseases now, in 2021, as India faces its deadliest wave.

Determined Hope is also a forward-looking report. In it, Effect Hope revealed a new vision and mission statement and announced that a partnership with the Government of Canada will be extended. ?Canada recognized the incredible impact we have had together in the lives of preschoolers. They extended the project to reach more children threatened by parasitic worms in Kenya,? said Evans. ?In the year ahead, we will work hard to improve access to NTD health care, mental health and wellbeing for people affected by NTDs without losing focus on gender equality and social inclusion,? she finished.

Effect Hope?s report on 2020 is out now online at To request a print copy reach out to


Effect Hope is a Canadian Christian global health organization that partners with others to bring hope and restoration to people affected by neglected tropical diseases like leprosy and lymphatic filariasis. These diseases cause illness and disabilities, perpetuate poverty, invite discrimination, and eliminate hope. For about 130 years, Effect Hope has worked hand-in-hand with affected communities and people to find innovative solutions to ensure that those living with neglected tropical diseases thrive with hope. With partners and supporters, Effect Hope seeks to create a world where people overcome neglected tropical diseases like leprosy ? A world full of hope.

About Neglected Tropical Diseases:


Anjay Nirula
Effect Hope - The Leprosy Mission Canada
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