Robert Tweed Talks About Why Funding Scholarships is a Great Idea For Anyone Who Can Afford to do so

Robert Tweed Talks About Why Funding Scholarships is a Great Idea For Anyone Who Can Afford to do so

SAN MARINO, CA, UNITED STATES, May 14, 2021 / -- Robert Tweed Talks About Why Funding Scholarships is a Great Idea For Anyone Who Can Afford to do so.

Education is getting more expensive by the year, and now successful businessperson Robert Tweed believes that those with money should step forward to provide scholarships.

In many states, tuition at public 4-year universities now exceeds $10,000. In some states, public tuition prices can approach $20,000 or more. Private institutions are even more expensive. That?s why Robert Tweed has been stepping forward to provide scholarships for aspiring students.

?Education is very important,? Robert Tweed argues. ?As for myself, I got a degree in engineering. My studies helped me learn a variety of skills that I still use today. Unfortunately, education is also very expensive.?

Expensive indeed. Many students are now taking out student loans. Roughly 70 percent of American students take out student loans while attending a university or college. On average, the typical American graduate has approximately $30,000 worth of debt on the books.

?It?s too bad education has gotten so expensive,? Robert Tweed points out. ?When I went to university, tuition was much more affordable. I still try to pay it forward today by offering scholarships to aspiring students. This can help reduce debt, and if enough people offer scholarships, it could increase education levels.?

These days, many jobs require a college degree. Even jobs that once didn?t require a degree, such as doing secretary work, may now require advanced education. Further, the growth and evolution of the knowledge economy mean employers now need more skilled workers than perhaps ever before.

For many students, education is less of an option and more of a necessity. Yet student loan debt can have a huge impact on someone for the rest of their life. If a student accrues too much debt, he or she may not be able to get a loan to buy a home, car, or to complete another major purchase.

Scholarships can reduce the burdens and open up doors that might otherwise be closed to aspiring students who simply lack the needed funds to attend college. And as more people secure an education, it could improve society as a whole.

Robert Tweed Talks About Careers in Skilled Trades

Some experts argue that the United States needs more skilled trades workers, including plumbers, electricians, heavy machinery operators, and more. Students who pursue a career in skilled trades may be able to land a good-paying job without having to take on a lot of education-related debt.

?Definitely, I encourage students to consider a career in skilled trades,? Robert Tweed says. ?I do a lot of work with real estate and I can tell you that in the real estate industry, skilled trades are definitely in high demand. You may be able to land a good job without having to spend years and many tens of thousands of dollars at university.?

Rusty Tweed
TFS Properties, Inc.
+1 8184242951
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