Largest Fintech group in Canada - HOLT Xchange brings out disruptive banking solutions - Payzel wins big

HOLT Xchange is Canada's #1 fintech resource for creating disruptive technology in finance. Over 400 investors are part of HOLT

Frontier Finance in Pioneer Industries”
— Todd Kleperis
SARASOTA, FL, USA, September 9, 2021 / -- Payzel the frontier finance for pioneering industries first market place struck a strong partner in HOLT Xchange. Payzel has been innovating in the cannabis and hydroponics space for over a year and a half. Started in December of 2019 and remarkably able to navigate Covid related downturn in markets - Payzel was able to grow through the pandemic by offering frontier industries access to financial institutions that others just have not been able to make happen.

Payzel is innovations first marketplace. Payzel works as a marketplace with services related to innovative industries. "What we found was that industries like solar power walls, hydrogen trucks and others really had a miss with banking and finance opportunities. We solved that for a multi-billion dollar company in 2 months after they had a 20 year problem with it and we got rolling." Todd Kleperis, Founder of Payzel.

Payzel forges relationships with financial institutions that are leading the path forward in frontier finance like aerospace, aquaculture, biotech and oddly even cannabis. Cannabis banking had thought to have been almost nonexistent until 2021 with only a handful of banks working in the industry. Now with a great bank network Payzel can offer financial services to a host of industries. Cannabis being the prime focus for one of Payzels largest clients in hydroponics only made sense. Banking clients in difficult industries is what Payzels software and team have been fine tuning. This recent event with HOLT is a culmination of over 6 years worth of work in cannabis related banking. Todd Kleperis the founder of Payzel was previously the founder of HARDCAR the cannabis industries first armored distribution firm in California which has processed billions of cannabis related cash into the federal reserve. Todd realized the need for banking in really unique industries and went back to HARVARD university where he learned from industry experts on financial technology.

Recent clients bring a wealth of services to our industry partners like tax rebates for R&D credits, 401k's, pet and human health insurance services as well as lending from traditional banks in very nontraditional markets.

Todd Kleperis