?Fragmentos de um Campo Infinito?, by Monica Rizzoli, turn landscapes into living art
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL, September 9, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Brazilian Monica Rizzoli, internationally recognized for her work as a cryptoartist, launches, on September 13th, the generative art collection ?Fragmentos de um Campo Infinito?, on the website Artblocks. The concept of the work is, basically, a composition in which an idealized plant species is generated and arranged in a field of foliage and organically interacts with the climatic interference that occur.In this way, the art-vegetation naturally reacts to the seasons of the year, as well as to rain, intense sun or snow - and this in a macro way, which involves all the flowers, or in a micro manner, affecting each one individually when, for example, a single petal drops.
The idea of the collection is to invite a more delicate appreciation of nature. ?The generated landscape requires observation and contemplation so that we are able to perceive the subtle aesthetic and morphological differences of flowers and foliage. In our daily life, we tend to see plants as a whole, and we rarely seek to identify small differences, which is what researchers Wandersee and Schusslerv refer to as ?plant blindness'?, says the artist.
The project also aims to explore the format's full digital potential, raising the question of what is needed to create a new species from a hexadecimal hash, or how to create parameters that, from such a small line of information, are enabled to simulate the growth of a living organism.
?The aim of my botanical research is to use this technical knowledge to increasingly refine the creation of plants with structures similar to those found in nature,? concludes Rizzolli.
M?nica's work is characterized by being a generative art, which is, in other words, a digital art that is produced from an autonomous system, generated exclusively by the moment of the purchase.
In the days preceding this release, all the other works spread across several platforms have been sold.
Her new collection will be launched on the Art Blocks platform, where it will be possible to purchase a unique and exclusive work by the artist. When selected, artists submit their code and determine the number of edits to be produced from it. Until acquiring the art, the buyer has only a notion of the style of the work, through works already produced by the artist. The final result of the work is only generated after the purchase, which makes the experience even more interesting and the works unique.
When: September 13 september 2021
Where: Site https://artblocks.io/project/159
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55 21 982237140
About Monica Rizzoli
Monica Rizzoli is an internationally recognized artist-programmer of great importance to the class. She graduated from the UNESP Institute of Arts and from the Kunsthochschule Kassel (Germany) and has already been awarded the MAK Schindler, from MAK ? Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna.
Monica participou de projetos internacionais importantes, como MAK Center Artists and Architects (EUA), Creatives in Residence (China), Sweet Home (Espanha) e A.I.R. DRAWinternational (Fran?a).
Monica has taken part in important international projects such as MAK Center Artists and Architects (USA), Creatives in Residence (China), Sweet Home (Spain) and A.I.R. DRAWinternational (France).
She is co-founder of the Night of Processing and co-organizer of the Processing Community Day, S?o Paulo, 2019 ? an annual event of the Processing Foundation. In addition, the cryptoartist is a partner at type foundry Just in Type and design studio Contrast ? programming, typography and design, which inspires many other artists around the world.
Byron Mendes
Metaverse Agency
+55 21 982237140
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