What we can learn from AIDS and autism
COOKSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, USA, September 8, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ -- A lot of diseases tend to be infectious and communicable between most organisms. Humans, being very social creatures, often become unsuspecting carriers. As the disease reaches more and more people, it slowly becomes an epidemic. Such a phenomenon is usually studied from several angles, such as how the spread could be contained or stopped entirely. This is essential to know for some diseases that have the potential to cause harm or kill off numerous people. In ?The Origins of AIDS and Autism,? thanks to the wisdom of medical professionals from a different realm passed on to us by the unique talents of the author, we now have better insight and knowledge of managing these diseases.Ronald L. Besser was gifted with a unique talent that allows him to communicate with beings from other realms by tapping into his specially developed hippocampus. He retired from his duties as an executive administrator from various civil engineering firms to devote more time and focus to these messages. Besser graduated from York College and currently resides in Pennsylvania while studying histories, past and present, as well as writing about them. This is his second book in publication.
?The Origins of AIDS and Autism? outlines the many insights passed down from the wisdom of other realms. It takes a look at several related diseases, how they affect people, and the possible ways of approaching treatment in order to rid the world of their existence. Besser explores the history behind AIDS developing into a pandemic as well as offering insights on how it can be treated. He also does a deep dive on Autism treatment, a homebrew cure for Alzheimer's, the importance of clinical trials, and the possible causes of autism.
Grab a copy today and dive into the wisdom of the other realms.
Visit the author's website at www.authorronaldbesser.com to know more about him and his book.
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